AJThelen was the co-pilot of the B17 which crashed in the Willemspolder April 5, 1943.
Thelen jumped from the B17 with a parachute before the crash.
He had landed in a ditch. Shortly thereafter he was arrested by a police officer on a bicycle. He handed over Thelen to the German occupiers.
Thelen was transferred to Amsterdam where he was interrogated about his squadron and flight routes.
After a few days on bread and water, Thelen was transferred to Frankfurt. There again on water and bread, and again interrogations.
The Germans were unsuccessful. she tried to send it in by a red-cross employee with some sweet treats. But this also didn't work. moments later the red cross employee in uniform came back into the cell. It turned out that the information service worked well with the Germans because they knew all the information they needed. Thelen did not have to be interrogated anymore. He was transferred to Zalan in Poland, a war prisoner camp. Stalag 3 there has Th
AJThelen was the co-pilot of the B17 which crashed in the Willemspolder April 5, 1943.
Thelen jumped from the B17 with a parachute before the crash.
He had landed in a ditch. Shortly thereafter he was arrested by a police officer on a bicycle. He handed over Thelen to the German occupiers.
Thelen was transferred to Amsterdam where he was interrogated about his squadron and flight routes.
After a few days on bread and water, Thelen was transferred to Frankfurt. There again on water and bread, and again interrogations.
The Germans were unsuccessful. she tried to send it in by a red-cross employee with some sweet treats. But this also didn't work. moments later the red cross employee in uniform came back into the cell. It turned out that the information service worked well with the Germans because they knew all the information they needed. Thelen did not have to be interrogated anymore. He was transferred to Zalan in Poland, a war prisoner camp. Stalag 3 there has Thelen until February 29, 1945
seated. After that the prisoners of war had to march in speed march for the German troops over 80 km far in 3 days. And that in temperatures below zero. The Germans fled from the approaching Russians.
Then they were transported in a troop truck to Moosburg, about 50 km from Munich. On 29 April they were liberated by the Americans.
Thelen with his crew with whom he flew for his last mission. For unclear reason he was placed with a new crew.
elen until February 29, 1945
seated. After that the prisoners of war had to march in speed march for the German troops over 80 km far in 3 days. And that in temperatures below zero. The Germans fled from the approaching Russians.
Then they were transported in a troop truck to Moosburg, about 50 km from Munich. On 29 April they were liberated by the Americans.
Thelen met zijn crew waar hij mee vloog voor zijn laatste missie. Om onduidelijke reden werd hij bij een nieuwe crew geplaatst .

Dhr A.J.Thelen in 2015 in Polen bij de 70 jarige herdenking van kamp Stalag 3
Dhr A.J.Thelen is in 2017 overleden op 91 jarige leeftijd