On 22 February a dark FOCKE-wulf 190 hunter crashes at the level of the Zuidzeedijk in Dinteloord. In all likelihood, the pilot was never salvaged.
K.Burk of the German luftwaffe was the pilot of this aircraft. Below the police report of this crash.
politie rapport 22 februari 1944
concerning a
plane crashed in the municipality of DINTELOORD.
After a declaration was made concerning the crash of an
airplane under the municipality of DINTELOORD on the farmland of the farmer
M. Bom, on forty-four on Tuesday 22 February 1900, I have HERMANUS GERHARDUS GESINUS SCHUTTELAAR,
Chief Guard-also unpaid
Reich Field -Guard for reported call and Post, after having been instructed to do so by my Postcomunandant
, immediately on the spot at 2.30 pm, accompanied by two members of the German resistance, on 22 February 1944 .
On the spot I found that about 500 meters from the
public road the ZUIDDIJK under the municipality of DÍNTELOORD,
being plowed arable land belonging to and situated behind the farm
of the farmer M. Bom in DINTELOORD, had crashed a plane,
which aircraft had been crashed down almost perpendicularly and well
as a whole had crashed into the ground.
On the spot there was a hole of about 3 to 4 meters in diameter,
surrounded by earth and small pieces of remains of an aircraft
that spread up to about 100 meters away. According to communications
from the said soldiers of the German Resistance, it was probably
a German Fighter plane "